Datuk abdul farid alias biodata

Dr abdul farid malaysia story

Datuk Farid joined Maybank on 1 January as Head of International Businesses and was subsequently appointed as Deputy President & Head, Global Banking (formerly known as .

datuk abdul farid alias biodata

Doctor abdul farid malaysia

Abdul Farid bin Alias is a Malaysian businessperson who has been the head of 5 different companies and holds the position of Group President, CEO & Executive Director at .

Tan sri abdul farid alias bursa

Datuk Farid, 45, has been Maybank Deputy President and Head of its Global Banking business since July “I am delighted to announce the appointment of Datuk .

Dr abdul farid malaysia ahmedabad
Maybank has advised that Dato’ Sri Abdul Farid Alias has indicated he will not be seeking a renewal of his contract as Group President & CEO (GPCEO) of Maybank, which is .