Floris van bruegel biography of william

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Check my personal site: Floris van Breugel’s scientific research.

floris van bruegel biography of william

Floris van bruegel biography of william

We focus on studying insects to learn how brains integrate information from different types of sensors across space and time to make complex sequences of decisions.

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Floris van Breugel.
Visual-olfactory integration in the human disease vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Vinauger, C., van Breugel, F., Locke, L., Tobin, K., Dickinson, M., Fairhall, A., Akbari, O., Riffell, J. (2019) Cu...
Floris van Breugel earned his PhD from Caltech in 2014 in Control and Dynamical Systems under the support of NSF and Hertz graduate fellowships while working with Michael H Dickinson on .