Wanda sykes interview on conan last night

Wanda sykes interview on conan last night show

(Original air date: 01/31/01) Wanda Sykes has been a staple on Conan’s couch for years and yet, she and Conan are not real friends.

wanda sykes interview on conan last night

Wanda sykes interview on conan last night

Wanda talks about hosting the White House Correspondents’ Dinner during the Obama administration and her role in “Breaking News in Yuba County.” Plus, Wanda.

Wanda sykes interview on conan last night episode

Wanda talks about hosting the White House Correspondents’ Dinner during the Obama administration and her role in “Breaking News in Yuba County.” Plus, Wanda and .

Wanda sykes interview on conan last night video
Comedian Wanda Sykes feels trapped into being Conan O’Brien’s friend.